Better Life, Better World

As one of the prominent academic institutions for both Chinese and Western medicine research and practice in Taiwan, China Medical University is determined to not only achieve excellence in the field of academia but also fulfill greater social responsibility in co-prospering with the community. We aim to nurture medical professionals with innovative insights and the spirit of social caring to support tackling current and future challenges in medicine, food and drug safety and public health. 

Our Strategies

Aligning with Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations, China Medical University has persistently endeavored in elevating public wellbeing and quality education with our expertise in Chinese and Western medical research and teaching. And as a member of the global community, we also make an effort in supporting sustainable development and taking climate actions in our school governance and course design.

From 4 main aspects: Long-Term Care, Safe Guardianship, Regional Revitalization and Cultivating Learning and Community, China Medical University has carried out numerous USR projects for both students and teachers to sharpen their insights toward global sustainable development and strengthen their  problem-solving skills.

Initiatives (USR HUB)

Led by professors and doctors, China Medical University established 4 USR HUB to take direct initiatives to tackle current challenges in public health and medical research and teaching. Ranging from improving teaching for students to supporting community wellbeing, our initiative projects include Virtual Student Hospital- Integrated Healthcare Learning Platform, Traditional Chinese Medicine Health and Industry-Academia Think Tank, The Integration of Environmental Medicine and The Advocacy for Equality of the Right to Breathe and Food and Drug Safety Think Tank for Community.


2020 National Sustainable Development Awards-First Place in Education
2020 TCSA Global Corporate Sustainability Award- USR Sustainable Project- Bronze Award


Sustainable Development Advocacy